Friday, September 17, 2010

It's on the Lathe

Today Brian begins the next steps for the Redwood platter as he centres and screws the faceplate onto the wood circle.

Attached to the lathe, Brian measures the bottom of the platter for the placement of the chuck.  The joy of burls is that each one is unique with bark and gnarly bits, but bark and woodworm can create a challenge for the turner.  It can be a thing of beauty or break apart on the lathe.  It doesn't happen often but Brian has had a burl end up as kindling.

Brian uses a roughing and finishing gouge to shape the bottom and create the recess for the chuck.  He wears a mask and has a dust-collection system to keep the dust down.

The next stage involves attaching the chuck to the bottom of the platter.  Then he can turn it around and turn the front.  The process continues........

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