Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Shield Awakening" at The Algonquin Art Centre

Brian's maple burl sculpture "Shield Awakening" is part of the Algonquin Art Centre's Canadian Shield  exhibition. It will be on display every day from June 1st until October 19th, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 pm at the Algonquin Art Centre, located on km. 20 in Algonquin Provincial Park. 

 Brian described "Shield Awakening" for the show:

"A land of rock scraped smooth and exposed by the ancient action of glaciers, the Canadian Shield is rich in lakes, rivers and forests.  Coniferous and deciduous trees root themselves in the thin rocky soil left behind and their vibrant reds, golds and greens define the land.  Beneath the canopy, a thick carpet of moss and lichen forms on the rocks and trees.The forces of wind, harsh climate and exposed bedrock awaken the strength, spirit and textures of the forest.  The maple burl, with its rugged natural edge, reveals the beauty within the tree as it spreads its roots and clings to the granite."
The rocks of the Canadian Shield are everywhere as Brian and I hike along the trails near our home.  Last fall, as we were discussing the upcoming theme of the Algonquin Art Centre, we discovered this huge piece of granite in the forest.  It was perfect as the base for Brian's sculpture. 

 A few friends with strong arms helped to carry the rock to the studio.

Maples, with their burls and moss-covered bark, thrive on the Canadian Shield.  Brian turned the burl on the lathe with the intention of maintaining some of the bark and lichen in its original form.

The rugged outer surface of the bark with the complex textures of the forest is a contrast to the beauty of the finished inner core of the burl.
Maple Burl on the Lathe


The next stage of creating the sculpture was to design a stand which would capture the spirit of the Canadian Shield and illustrate the connection between the granite base and the maple burl bowl.
Brian worked with blacksmith artist Matt Church at The Artisan's Gallery to incorporate all the necessary elements of roots clinging to exposed granite, upraised branches and maple leaves.

Brian's creative inspiration for "Shield Awakening" was his love of the forests, rocks and landscapes of the Canadian Shield and its natural outcroppings of wood and rock.  We hope that you have an opportunity see the exhibition at the Algonquin Art Centre.
Shield Awakening

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