Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HAS Heart Exhibition: A Broken Heart

Brian is proud that his yellow birch burl was chosen to be part of the Huntsville Art Society "Heart" exhibition, which explores through various media "heartfelt, heartbreaking and heart warming discoveries".  The show runs through February Heart Month with the opening night on Friday, February 4th from 6 pm to 8 pm at The Art Space Gallery.

A Broken Heart: Yellow Birch Burl by Brian Markham

"Just before Christmas I attended a funeral for a young man who died tragically in a fire.  I saw the family and community express profound sorrow with dignity and courage.  This heart-shaped yellow birch burl, with its flaws and imperfections, epitomizes the fragile strength and beauty of a broken heart."

For more information about the show www.huntsvilleartsociety.ca


  1. Gorgeous & moving piece! I'm looking forward to seeing the show!

  2. The opening of the show last Friday was a huge success! It was well attended and the quality of the work was excellent. I was amazed at the range of powerful interpretations of the "Heart" theme by the artists.
